GABRIEL MARIO VÉLEZ. Dean of the Antioquia University School of Arts, Gabriel Mario is a Visual Artist, professor and researcher from Colombia. Post-doctor from the National University of Córdoba (Argentina, 2011), Doctor/Master of Fine Arts from the Complutense University of Madrid (Spain, 2004) and Bachelor in Fine Arts from the University of Antioquia (Medellín/ Colombia, 1993). He teaches at the Graduate and Undergraduate Programs of the University of Antioquia, as well as a guest Professor for some other international programs.

His art works as a photographer have been exhibited in solo and collective exhibitions, with special representation in Latin America at the Museum of Modern Arts in Medellín, the School of Cine of Buenos Aires (Argentina) and at the Artistic Development Center of Havana ( Cuba).

His artistic projects have been awarded worldwide and his texts have been published in books and magazines, such as the best-seller book “Photography as a Magical Device” (University of Medellín Press), “The Minimal Stories of the Anonymous Passerby” (Antioquia University Press), and “The death of subject and emerging subjectivity” (Cordoba University Press), presenting results from his postdoctoral thesis. His curriculum includes conferences, awards and nominations, as well as curations, social and artistic projects development and coordination. Among his main artistic projects, the “Transeuntes Medellín” and “Transeuntis Mundi” have been exhibited worldwide and was awarded funds from the City of Medellín and Antioquia University.

Gabriel has had an expressive trajectory at the Antioquia University throughout his 22 years academic career. He has created the course of especialization in Photographic Creation, the Master of Arts Degree, and he was part of the academic committee that created the Doctorate in Arts.  He also directed the Department of Visual Arts from 2007 to 2013 and he was the Postgraduate Coordinator and Director of the Doctorate Program in Arts between 2014 and 2016. 

As a Professor, Gabriel has also taught and researched in main Colombian universities, such as the University of Caldas, the National University of Colombia,  Eafit University, University of the Andes, School of Arts of Cartagena. For international universities, Gabriel acted as a guest professor at the Arts School of Bretagne (France), Plymouth University (UK), Aix Marsella (France), Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain), School of Arts la Habana (Cuba). He has directed 6 Doctoral Thesis, 8 Master Thesis, and evaluated over other 12 Doctoral Candidates and over 15 Master students. 

In his socio-political actuation, Gabriel took part of the LASIN Project of Social Innovation, funded by Glasgow University; he co-coordinates de Net of Music School, a notable project of the City of Medellín; he assists the community program  “Peace is an artwork” from the Antioquia University; since 2012 he was been elected an advisor for the Colombian Ministry of National Education, working as the coordinator of the section of Arts and Humanities. And also, since 2016 he is the General Secretary in the Colombian Association of Faculties of Arts.

Artist Statement

Mi obra versa sobre el poder de la imagen. De los mecanismos y los medios que el ser humano, desde el propio inicio de su trasegar por la faz de la tierra, ha empleado para apropiarse y movilizar dicho poder. El arte y todos sus recursos han sido el escenario privilegiado para tal experimentación. Del dibujo a la pintura, de la escultura a los medios digitales (sobre todo la fotografía), ha movilizado mi interés por la performancia de las mediaciones, sobre las que he buscado el efecto de seducción… Truco de transparencia cuyo logro principal es el de transformar al espectador en un interlocutor en primera persona.